Updates to your Daily Bible Readings program can be downloaded and installed from this page
Here are the instructions:
The program is distributed on the DVD version for the PC, and shows the readings for each day. The latest program update is version 1.3, dated 5 November 2010. If your version is less than this, or has no number, it is older than this and you will benefit from upgrading. This latest version includes the facility as standard to make files for the i-Pod and MP3 players.
Download and install the program by clicking here, and selecting RUN when prompted. There may be a short delay whilst the file downloads, then follow the on-screen instructions.
Also, there is an update for the announcement on 22 March, which was wrong. For the correct version right-click here and choose "save linked content as..". Save the file to your Daily Bible Readings installation folder, replacing the original file.
If you have any difficulties, please email Help@DailyBibleReadings.org.uk